
大家好,未来的毕业生和自豪的父母们! 你能相信吗?? 再过几个月就是高中毕业典礼了, 这是你人生旅途中的一个重要里程碑. It’s a time of celebration, reflection, and, yes, a bit of uncertainty about what lies ahead. But fear not – CCB can help you and your soon-to-be graduate pave the way for a financially secure future.

当你忙着策划派对的时候, 回忆那些美好的时光, it’s also essential to start thinking about the next chapter. Whether your graduate is planning to head off to college, 进入职场, 或者开始一段不同的冒险, 有一个可靠的财务计划是至关重要的.

Financial tips to start thinking about before high school graduation:

  • Create a Budget: Help your graduate understand the importance of budgeting. Sit down together and create a budget that outlines their income, expenses, and savings goals. Encourage them to track their spending and adjust their budget as needed.
  • Start Saving: Encourage your graduate to start saving money from their part-time job or any monetary gifts they receive. Setting aside even a small amount each month can add up over time and provide a financial cushion for unexpected expenses.
  • Research Financial Aid: If your graduate is planning to attend college, 开始研究经济援助的选择. 这包括奖学金、助学金和学生贷款. Filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a crucial step in qualifying for financial aid.
  • Explore Employment Opportunities: If your graduate is entering the workforce, help them explore employment opportunities in their desired field. Research entry-level positions, internships, and networking events to jumpstart their career.
  • Consider Living Arrangements: Whether your graduate plans to live on-campus, 校外, 或者在家里, consider the financial implications of their living arrangements. Help them weigh the costs of rent, utilities, groceries, and transportation.

在建行, 我们理解金融稳定的重要性, 尤其是在毕业这样的过渡时期. That’s why we offer a range of 产品 and 服务 designed to help you save, 投资, 为未来做计划.


One of the best ways to start saving for the future is by opening a savings account with CCB. Our savings accounts offer competitive interest rates and flexible terms, making it easy to set aside money for upcoming expenses or long-term goals. 无论是建立应急基金, 为大学学费存钱, 或者计划一个梦想的假期, our savings accounts can help you reach your goals faster.


但我们不会止步于此. We also offer a variety of 投资ment options to help you grow your money over time. From individual retirement accounts (IRAs) to CDs and savings plans to fit your unique needs, we can help you build a diversified 投资ment portfolio that aligns with your financial goals.


In addition to traditional savings and 投资ment 产品, CCB also provides valuable financial planning resources and personalized advice to help you make smart decisions about your money. Whether you’re a recent graduate navigating the job market for the first time or a parent planning for your child’s future, our friendly and knowledgeable Team CCB members are here to help every step of the way.

So, 当你倒计时到毕业的日子, remember that CCB is here to help you and your soon-to-be graduate achieve financial success. 菠菜网推荐 today to learn more about our 产品 and 服务 or stop by one of our branches to speak with a member of our team. Together, we can build a brighter future for you and your family.